Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why Sony is in last place

One thing I love doing more than anything else is annoying fanboys. I was a fanboy back in the day, I proudly sung under the Sega banner until 2005 (2 years after the Dreamcast ended and Sega left the console business) but now I am an odd sort. I dislike all 3 companies but like all 3 consoles.

My distain for Microsoft has nothing to do with the Xbox 360, I think its a fine console (when it doesn't die on you like it has with me and almost every 360 owner I know). Its more to do with my hatred for Windows but thats a story for another time. I like the Wii, I dont love it but its OK but cant stand Nintendo, thinking they are so great they think they dont even need gamers, they release garbage and it sells millions (Wii Fit, Wii Music etc)

So I cant stand any of the companies but out of those 3 Sony is special. Its an odd sort because the Playstation 3 is a fantastic system that has so much potential, and the PSP could have its place but Sony themselves are preventing that. My anger towards them is they themselves are the cause of their products being in last place.

PRICE PRICE PRICE. Yeah yeah cry me a river about the Playstation 3 being sold at a loss still and all that. The Playstation 3 is by FAR the most expensive device on the market, the Xbox 360 has a higher installed base because mostly you get the same games on a cheaper device.

Despite it will be less of an issue on the hardcore (which you can win over with enough exclusives but still an issue) they are forgetting the reason why the Playstation 2 was so popular. The PS2 got its numbers from the same place the Wii is getting its numbers now: the casual. Even the casual has gone beyond the PS2 now so stop pretending like its still relevent! At least they abandoned their "keeping gaming simple" chart after they got laughed at pretty hard there.

Shame, it could be a great console if it didn't cost your left testicle to afford one

Unless the price drops, PS3 will remain in 3rd place. Its alot better to sell them at a hit than not selling them at all. Its bigger hit when its stuck in your warehouse. One thing I want to make clear, I got over the price thing for myself and bought one, actually on my 2nd one after the first died on me in under 2 months.

So my main gripe personally with the PS3 is the controller, it has not changed since 1995 with the Dual Analog since then with added rumble and tacked on last minute tilt sensor. Even on the PS2 I felt the DualShock felt like it needed a redesign, the thumsticks still feel like an afterthought, as if the world wasn't quite ready to jump into 3D yet. Seriously Sony we have been feet first in the 3D world for well over a decade. Time to put the d-pad to the odd part to reach on the controller or ditch it alltogether.

Now onto the PSP. I think their PSP-3000 redesign was utter crap, screen felt the same, wasn't that much lighter than the 2000 model with worse battery life. The PSP-Go has been a long time coming but I never expected Sony to actually not add anything that would make anybody want one over an iPhone or DS. How could they be so stupid? The PSP-Go is no doubt cheaper to produce than previous models with not having to make a UMD drive but Sony intends on selling it for US$249? The same price as a Wii? Is this some sort of sick joke?

I am reminded of "599 US dollars" all over again.

No joke, its a rip off and everyone knows it. Even Michael Pachter called them out on it and then they forced an apology out of him? I found that to be quite gutless of Pachter, especially when he was right when he said "$249 is too much... period". What was Sony's justification? To compete against the iPod touch? First of all nobody cares about iPod Touch, they get iPhones or the old iPods and they cant say they are competing with the iPhone because the PSP is not a phone. The PSP Go is a gaming device, more expensive than the Xbox 360 Arcade and the Wii, no way in hell that price can be justified, they are squeazing every last dollar they can from their fanboys and one of the few times I have felt sorry for fanboys.

2nd of all the iPod Touch actually has a touch screen, as does the DS. Its the standard control method of handheld devices this geneation: the PSP and the PSP Go do not have touch screens. I would have considered a PSP Go if it had a touch screen (or even a 2nd thumbstick) but for a PSP redesign with PSN store only (eliminating special deals at your local retailer for cheaper). No thank you Sony, I am happy with my (hacked) 2000 model and my DSi. Funny they never mentioned the DS, best not remind people that despite its likely the PSP Go will sell for $400 in Australia, the DS Lite sells for $188 (and no, the DSi is not a worthwhile upgrade neither, trust me)

UPDATE: We now have a Sony guy basically admitting that Sony is ripping off the consumer for no other reason than because they can. I for one now officially endorse a boycott of the PSP-Go.

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